British boys' magazines

Magazines intended for boys fall into one of three classifications. These are comics which tell the story by means of strip cartoons; story papers which have several short stories; and pulp magazines which have a single, but complete, novella in them. The latter were not for the younger child and were often detective or western in content and were generally greater in cost. Several titles were published monthly whereas the other two categories were more frequent.



Early 19th-century boys literature

In 1828 in London, and in 1829 in Boston, an encyclopedia for boys by William Clarke was published, titled The Boy's Own Book: A Complete Encyclopedia of all the Diversions, Athletic, Scientific, and Recreative, of Boyhood and Youth.[1] According to sports historian Robert William Henderson, "It was a tremendous contrast to the juvenile books of the period, which emphasized piety, morals and instruction of mind and soul; it must have been received with whoops of delight by the youngsters of both countries."[2] The encyclopedia was frequently updated and reprinted through the end of the century.

Victorian period

With the growth of education in the later part of the 19th century (universal education started in England in 1871), demand was growing for reading material aimed at the juvenile market. The first known edition of what would later become known as a "story paper" had been the unsuccessful monthly Young Gentleman's Magazine, published in 1777 and discontinued after six editions.[4] The first story paper to make an impact was The Boys' and Girls' Penny Magazine, first published in September 1832.

The first successful serial publication aimed at boys alone, and one of the most influential, was Samuel Beeton's weekly Boy's Own Magazine, published from 1855 to 1890.[5][3] Between 1855 and 1920, over a dozen weekly serials by various publishers were created with the copycat title Boys' Own.[6]

Other story papers begun midcentury included Every Boy's Magazine in 1863, and in 1866, Boys of England. Numerous competitors quickly followed, including Boy’s Leisure Hour, Boys Standard, Young Men of Great Britain, etc. As the price and quality of fiction was the same, many of these storypapers also fell under the general definition of Penny Dreadfuls (also known as Penny Bloods or Blood and Thunders in their early days). Few of these publications lasted more than a couple of years.

Some, however, did last; Boy's Own Paper was published from 1879 to 1967 and Boys' Friend from 1895 to 1927. Another magazine with a comparatively long life was Chums, which started in 1892 and survived until 1934. It had stories about animals and sports as well as many about young people. Chums in its early days worked closely with Baden Powell, but after a disagreement with him became quite derisive about the Scouts. In 1909, however, it became the official Journal for the British Boy Scouts, a break-away group from Baden Powell's Scout movement.

Early 20th century

As the youth market established itself as an important part of the publishing industry, demand was perceived to exist for fiction which featured boys themselves in a leading role. This demand was to be met by stories about the public schools, a world where adults could be relegated to the background and where youths could be presented as having a degree of independence not possible elsewhere.

The publisher who took the lead in this period was Trapp Holmes with magazines such as Smiles, Funny Cuts and Vanguard. This last paper was a short lived paper, published from 1907 to 1909 and was a pioneer of the school stories genre.

Amalgamated Press soon entered the market in started to two of most famous boy's papers, The Gem and The Magnet. The main writer for both was Charles Hamilton who was to be an important figure in schools fiction until his death in 1961.

Inter-war period

In between the two world wars there appeared in Britain a number of weekly magazines or papers aimed at boys between the ages of 8 and 16. Their price was 2d (two pence) and they were consequently known as the "Tuppenny bloods". They were printed on newsprint, with a coloured front cover. Inside there were short stories, with illustrations and often in a serial form. Some factual article were included. They were published by D C Thomson and known as the "Big Five".

Meanwhile, The Magnet and Gem continued to publish school stories along with newcomers like Nelson Lee and spin-offs such as The Schoolboy's Own Library which reprinted earlier stories. Such papers however, were continually losing circulation.

During the same period as the comics like Comic Cuts, The Dandy and The Beano in the strip cartoon form, started to appear.

One boy's magazine that does not conform to the above formats was Modern Wonder. It had a comparatively short life, starting in 1937 and closing down in 1941. It differed from the other magazines by mainly having articles of a technical nature, instead of all fiction. There were some short stories and a serial included, but it was largely well illustrated articles about modern inventions.

Post-war period

Several new boy's comics were started in the 1950s, Tiger and Eagle being long lasting. The characters in the strip of these two comics were mainly human, unlike those in Beano and Dandy. The Eagle had strips such as Dan Dare and PC 49 drawn without distortion.

By the middle of the 1960s, the taste of the youth of Britain was changing. Television had, for many, displaced reading. The improvement of public libraries also hastened the end of some magazines. As a magazine stopped publication it was sometimes merged with one of the remaining magazines. By 1970 most of the publications with text had been replaced by new weeklies of the strip cartoon type. Previously, this type of boy's magazine had largely only been available in the United Kingdom as imports from North America. Strip novels for adults were also introduced.

By the end of the 20th century, many of these magazines had become collector's items. From being worthless paper, copies became highly desirable with high prices attached to them.

Selected list of publications

Story papers

The Big Five (Tuppenny Bloods)



See also



  1. ^ Clarke, William. The Boy's Own Book: A Complete Encyclopedia of all the Diversions, Athletic, Scientific, and Recreative, of Boyhood and Youth. Fourth Edition. Vizetelly, Branston and Co., 1829.
  2. ^ Henderson, Robert William. Ball, Bat, and Bishop: The Origin of Ball Games. University of Illinois Press, 2001. p. 153.
  3. ^ a b Tosh, John. MASCULINITY, 1560-1918: MEN DEFINING MEN AND GENTLEMEN. Part 3: 1800-1918, Sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Adam Matthew Publications.
  4. ^ Young Gentleman's Magazine
  5. ^ Boy's Own Magazine
  6. ^ Boys Own. Alphabetical listing of various serials under that title – see The Boys' Own through Boys' Own Times and News of the World.

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